Optimal work scheduler and routes planner for bank's couriers

Optimal work scheduler and routes planner for bank's couriers


Spring 2020. COVID lockdowns…

  • Banks need to QUICKLY build software for field managers (couriers) that visit customers to provide bank services that can’t be provided remotely: opening an account for new customer, a new credit card, etc.
  • Optimally plan work activities and routes for hundreds of bank couriers, considering:
    • location of customers and desired time of visit
    • desired location of the start and end day of the courier
    • transportation of couriers by car or public transport
    • predicted and actual real-time traffic jam
  • Customer scoring algorithms
  • Bi-directional integrations with other banking systems
  • Admin panel and rich end-user web GUI
  • Reporting subsystem, exports to Excel

Tech stack:

How we helped?
  • PHP and Yii2 framework for rapid-development and easy integration with other PHP/Yii2-based bank systems
  • Vue.js for admin panel
  • API / Swagger for other bank systems written on Angular
  • Integration with external address parser and normalizer + caching
  • Integration with external routing service
  • Domain Driven Development (DDD) approach
  • Unit testing, Codeception
  • Docker, CI/CD process, and test environments with test data for all auto tests


  • The system was quickly developed, deployed and started to work in the bank (our client’s client)
  • The system helped the bank to attract many new customers everyday. And the customers receive all services without visiting the bank.
  • The bank’s couriers are now utilized in the most optimal way: optimal route schedule for every day for each courier, monitoring performance in real-time, optimal replanning when visits should be cancelled / shifted / added
  • The system is ready for scaling for other banks - so our client will multiply the profit
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